
to Addictive Devotion, Carisma's (aka Lecter's Girl) home and fanlistings collective. The Good Doctor (Hannibal Lecter) is near and dear to my heart, so if you don't know me yet because you wandered in from somewhere by accident, or don't know how you got here and are wondering what you are doing here or who I am, nice to meet you and that is where my name/nickname, Lecter's Girl, comes from. ;)

.(x). Hannibal & Clarice
.(x). Clarice Starling
.(x). Hannibal
.(x). The Silence of the Lambs
.(x). Julianne Moore


This domain has 13 fanlistings or other listings, with 0 sites on upcoming. There are 2405 fans already listed throughout the network and 0 fan(s) waiting to be added. I have also joined 110 listings and am affiliated with 18 other sites.

Cliques & Things

Let Dr. Lecter feast on your brain

Clarice Starling of the WWW

Dr. Lecter Fanlisting

Clarice Starling Fanlisting

It's at my place. The date is .

The lovely layout you see here was made by Mal.