
...to the fanlisting for the incredible novel Salem's Lot, by the writing genius known as Stephen King. The fanlisting also covers the 1979 and 2004 TV movies. This site is listed at The Fanlistings Network in the Literature category and cross-listed in TV Shows. If you're a fan of any or all adaptations of Salem's Lot, please join!


Updated: 06th April 2024
# of Fans: 101 (+ 0)
Newest members: Kiara


A fanlisting is simply an online list of fans of a subject, such as a TV show, actor, or musician, that is created by an individual and open for fans from around the world to join. There are no costs, and the only requirements to join a fanlisting are your name and country. - thefanlistings.org

I was the original owner of this fanlisting and I passed it on to Puff (caged-child.net), who passed it on to Justine (louder-now.net), both of whom took excellent care of the fanlisting while it was in their hands. When Justine put it up for adoption, I realized that this is still my favorite Stephen King book, so I requested it back. :) The lovely layout you see here was also made by Justine. Thanks for taking great care of the fanlisting while you had it, girls!

Salem's Lot layout © Justine • CSSXHTML 1.0